What is integrity?
KRI’s (Kundalini Research Institute) theme for the month of September is Integrity. Every time I reflect on integrity, I think of the related word, “Integrated.” Both words come from the same Latin root word “integer” meaning whole or intact. I like this focus for integrity, because typically we think of it as an outward-facing trait – we are acting with integrity when we “do the right thing,” even when it may be difficult to do so, or even if no one is watching.
And yes, we should strive for our actions to be in integrity in that way. But HOW to accomplish that, how to get ourselves always able to do the “right” things is an internal question. And the root word points us towards what we need to do – which is to continually work on making ourselves whole and intact.
What does it mean to be a whole person? It means that we first recognize that we are complex beings, made up of many different parts. We all have a persona (a personality we try to show to the external world), a shadow (personality traits that we don’t want to show others and often don’t even acknowledge that we have), and a hidden self (based on the subconscious dramas and traumas not processed in childhood, and that blocks our natural radiance). And each of those three primary components can have sub-personalities and various facets. So the question is – do we act from just one facet of our total self, or do we somehow integrate all of our parts (both known and unknown) and act from a unified place of wholeness?
Being able to embrace all of our parts and act from wholeness is a fundamental requirement for living a fulfilled and happy life. And it is one of the key features of what it means to live with expanded awareness. As Kundalini Yogis, we strive to raise the kundalini, to raise awareness. This doesn’t mean intense sensations or experiences. It simply means that you can integrate all of your component parts, and therefore you can act with integrity.
And acting with integrity will always feel fully authentic. Doing so will have you fully present in the moment, understanding what is real, who you are, and how you can express your full Self with each word, choice, and action. This is the true dance of life, when we feel totally alive and vibrant; co-creating our reality.
Acting without integrity, meaning acting from just one piece of our total Self, will lack the subtle kiss of the Infinite. It may work (at least in the short term), and bring worldly fame and fortune. But ultimately it will leave you feeling empty and unfulfilled. The only way we can bring Truth and Light into the world is through our day-to-day choices and actions. Acting from our whole Self will manifest, embody, and bring Truth. Acting from a part of our personality will always create more separation.