Hi! I’m Candace and for most of my life I did not know what being “Candace” meant. I spent most of my life being a seeker, looking for a way to live a life of joy, purpose, and love. But I got caught up in all the roles I was taught to play - being a good girl, being responsible, being a good role model in whichever identity I was playing, and even though I “had it all,” my life felt empty, purposeless, and pointless.  I kept wondering, “What is the point of it?  Why am I here?  What am I supposed to be doing?”

I kept looking for validation, love, and approval in all the wrong places - from other people. I didn’t believe in myself or that I would amount to anything. Others kept telling me I had so much “potential,” but I had no idea what that potential was or could be.

I’ve experienced being a single mom, an entrepreneur, financially challenged, being cheated, and cheated on, being lied to, and losing people I loved.  I have been married and divorced three times and finally, even when I achieved financial freedom, it was not the answer to all my problems.  It only led to a whole different set of “problems!”  I kept wondering what this all means. I only felt a sense of failure when each shiny new thing – new course, new workshop, new relationship, new home, new job, new adventure - I was attracted to didn’t turn out like I thought it would.

Then I found Kundalini Yoga, and everything started changing. My life experiences combined with the practice of Kundalini Yoga led me to discover a path to happiness and fulfillment. 

I would love to share the lessons I’ve learned along the way with you. I know what it’s like to experience a sense of alienation - feeling  like you’ve been perfectly playing all the different roles a woman has to play - daughter, sister, girlfriend, wife, ex-wife, divorcee, new wife, employer, employee, friend, lover, mother, godmother, stepmother, grandmother, care giver...and yet still feel no joy…only a sense that something is missing and you can’t figure out what this “something” is.

I want you to know that there is a path you can take to find your own authentic voice and move from Pointless to Purpose. You, too, can create your own life of joy, purpose, and love. 

I’m here to guide your way! 

Email me to set up a discovery call. Take this first step towards self-love to see if we are a good fit. You'll leave the free call with a simple meditation tailored to your situation to start you off in the right direction.