What will I learn and benefit from in the retreat, From Pointless to
In this weeklong, in-person small group retreat, you will be introduced to your 3 minds (yes! You have 3 minds!), learn how they function and acquire the “how to” to create deep shifts in your habitual mental and behavioural patterns.
I purposely keep the group small (maximum 6 women) and intimate so that I can mentor you individually and effectively.
Why would I want to participate in this mini workshop?
By the end of the week, you will have learned the “how to” to:
- Transform the constant negative self-talk which creates so much suffering and anxiety in you.
- Release your fear of stepping out of your comfort zone – develop the capacity to feel your fear, resistance, and discomfort but doing what your heart is urging you to do anyway.
- Release the fear that you may be broken. “Being broken” relates to the parts that are NOT you, the parts that are made up of your conditioning, the roles you have been playing that no longer serve you.
- Become clear who you really are and connect with that original, authentic Self.
- Learn concrete, easy to use tools to build more self-worth which will lead to more
self-confidence, self-empowerment, and self-love. - Learn why you can’t speak up for yourself and acquire a tool for effective

“What gives you strength? Your thoughts.
What weakens you? Your thoughts.
What destroys you? Your thoughts.
In reality, thoughts are given to expand you, so you'll realize I am ALL."
~Yogi Bhajan
Email me for the location and date of the next cohort.
Cost is based on the location as I primarily teach in Hong Kong and Toronto, Canada.
What other women have said after the retreat:
"My greatest AHA moment was that I struggle with insecurity. I now know this is my negative mind (ego) and at the deeper levels of who I am, ironically not true.
I feel like I have taken a baby step towards something. I see myself quite clearly. I know the steps I can take to ease some of my suffering. I feel there were many tools and lessons offered. It is now up to me to use them.
I enjoyed the experience. It was very hard but very much what I needed."
Susan Pitman
Mother, Teacher, Wanderer, Adventurer
Guelph, ON

"Lovely to see the negative mind thoughts in a real-life situation and then the positive mind kick in. Feels tangible. And clear.
I have been oppressing and suppressing my ugly, it has rarely had an opportunity to be seen. It was lost to me. Festering inside without release. Killing me slowly. We are ALL the emotions. Even the ugly. For me, I acknowledge that the ugly must be seen. With compassion and grace, I welcome it. And with forgiveness.
I had an encounter recently where I was angered, AND I responded in anger, yet my words were kind. It felt glorious. I set a boundary. I saw me and I heard me. I am living my life now... then I wasn't… and didn't know I wasn't.
DebBee Roberts
Artist, Woman, Mama

Upcoming Workshops
Fri Sept 13 - Sun Sept 15 2024

In-Person Yoga Classes
June 17 to Sept 28 2024
Mondays 10-11:30 am
Wednesdays 6-7:30pm
Saturdays 10-11:30 am
@Balm Beach

Past Retreats