Meditation Meets Book Club
Ready to be happy for no reason? When you join our Meditation Series, it will be just like a small book club format. Each day you will do the meditation on your own and once a week you will meet with the other “members” to share your experience and discuss the reflection questions to dive in deeper to the specific meditation.
In the process, you will release anxiety and worry, and stop feeling like you're alone even though you're constantly surrounded by people. Here you will connect with a community of women just like you where you will feel safe, understood, and seen. Your community will be there to support you long after the 40 days. Through the process of self-discovery, you will grow in confidence and make meaningful change in your life!

Each Meditation Series consist of:
- One specific meditation done every day for 40 days in the comfort of your own home.
- 6 weekly live group mentoring calls (approximately 90 mins each) to support your progress and share your wins and challenges with each other.
- Reflection questions to support you in your transformation.
Imagine the benefits of learning some simple tools and action steps that will give you more peace, better connection to your own needs and desires, and leave you feeling more optimistic and motivated than you have felt in a long time.

Loretta Lau
Candace’s courses changed how I looked at things, how I handle my emotions, and how I manage a situation. I learned how to live a happier life, how to reconnect my mind, body, and spirit, and how to consciously tune into my soul for all the answers I seek.
Candace’s workshops have absolutely changed me because I am now able to understand who I was, who I am and who I want to be. I learned how to tap into my inner self, a space I barely explored. From there, I discovered my inner strength and power that I did not know existed!
Meditation Series Descriptions
In this series the focus is on money, specifically on your subconscious blocks and beliefs about money. The theme over 40 days is an exploration on the true meaning of ABUNDANCE.
Yogi Bhajan said it is our birthright to be Beautiful, Bountiful, Blissful. Over the course of 6 weeks, we will explore what that means for each of you individually and specifically.
From Dependence to Independence
Over a 6 week period we will work on this theme - overcoming the "need to be needed" or people pleasing. Each week we will explore the different roles you play unconsciously and learn simple tools to strengthen your own self-identity, security, and confidence by building inner strength, self-acceptance, self-love and self-knowing.
Cold Depression
Cold depression occurs when you are cut off from your Soul and your inner capacity cannot meet the outer demands of your life. Modern life brings overload, unrelenting stress, and the mindset of bigger, better, faster, more.
Most people’s glandular and nervous systems are not equipped to meet these challenges and rapid changes.
At its core this depression exhibits as a deep sense of loneliness, a prevailing sense of anxiety, and a loss of meaning in your life. Yogi Bhajan called this, “The Silence of the Soul.” Cold Depression affects your vitality, your spirit, and leads you to behave in ways that will not serve you.
Over a 6-week period you will uncover these habits that no longer serve you and learn to use simple tools to reconnect to a healthier, happier, and “holier” way of being.
Conscious Communication
In this series you will learn to speak intuitively and not just “talk”. You will learn to pause, to think before you speak, learn how to have difficult conversations, express yourself in clear, firm, and uplifting ways. We will explore the common words you use unconsciously and why some of these habitual words do not serve you, create misunderstandings, and cause communication breakdowns. You will practice using more elevating language to raise your sense of contentment, empowerment, and satisfaction.
5 Sutras to Live by in the Age of Aquarius
Yogi Bhajan left 5 sutras for us to live by in order for us to live a “healthy, happy, holy” life. This is a great course for beginners to learn the 5 secrets to a happier life, some basic kundalini terms and practices and create an effective platform to launch into a deeper practice.
How to enroll:
Contact me HERE and indicate which meditation series you would like to sign up for. I will reply with all the information you need to get started.
Financial commitment:
USD $597 for each 6-week series
Testimonial - Teresa Cigan
Kundalini yoga has changed me in many ways. The different meditation series gave me insights on myself in several ways. I learned who I really am - who Teresa is, not who other people told me I was. I was not all the labels my elders added to me as I grew up. I now understand and have gotten to know myself in a whole new way.
I learned how to create good strong boundaries that made a huge difference in protecting myself, made it easy to understand why certain issues kept coming up for me. I learned the importance of boundaries and exactly how to put them in place. I am much more respected now that I am aware of the importance of these boundaries and how to use this tool efficiently.
The 40-day meditation practices have given me the tools to manifest all I desire and each day I am living this reality miraculously. Who knew that manifestation would come up in these 40-day meditation classes? These results motivated me to enroll for the Journey through the 10 Light Bodies.
Teresa Cigan, Entrepreneur, Artist
Penetanguishene, ON